Wednesday Veronika and I went to see our GP. We needed a couple of referrals for some of her upcoming appointments. The Brain Injury Rehab Specialist we see next week, and the Paed Cardiac surgeon in Melbourne for May 2nd. Then Veronika had her annual flu vaccination, and then asked about a new script for Veronika’s Formula. Veronika is intolerant to cows milk protein, soy protein and cant tolerate rice milk. She refuses to drink anything but her formula, and eats hardly anything. She is also intolerant to wheat, eggs, dairy and kiwi fruit too. So her formula is her main source of nutrition. Last time we were able to get a script without much fuss, well now its proving difficult. My GP cant get an authority to write her script as she is over 2 and not allergic to soy and cows milk protein. Apparently intolerant doesn’t count. So it looks like we are going to be up for around $200 a month for her formula, the GP said unless we can get a gastoenterologist to sign off on it…..but we don’t have a paediatric gastoenterologist in Tasmania! So I came home and called the Hospital to get a message to Veronika’s Paediatrician, to try to get her to do a script, but she wasn’t in the clinic to yesterday afternoon….and I had to work all day today and couldn’t get to the phone to see how she went. Have decided I am not going to stress about it and deal with it on Monday…..
Yesterday Veronika and I went to see the Physio, and we have decided to get her to do a submission for the pram we looked at last week. This will more that likely take a couple of months to get done and approved, so in the mean time we have borrowed a convaid cruiser from the short term loans at St Giles. Veronika loves her new wheels, and Jordan and Jakob wanted to push her around Shoreline Shopping Centre.
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