not the way I planned the week to go….

This week hasn’t been the best for Veronika, after having that nasty skin reaction last weekend, which has effected not only Veronika’s skin, but her gut reaction, and a certain unwelcome behaviour started again,  hitting her head. We saw Veronika’s dietitian on Monday, and Veronika’s Speech Therapist was meant to come to the appointment, but unfortunately she was unwell and couldn’t make it.

On Wednesday Veronika’s eardrum burst

and Thursday I was really looking forward to a planning meeting with Veronika’s therapists, to plan and set goals for Veronika for the nest 6 months or so, I had put a fair bit of thought into listing my top 5 goals(there were way more than 5), all of which relate pretty much to her transition to school, and skills we really need to work on with Veronika to help with transitioning her to school when she is to start in February 2013…….so when the phone rang just after 8am, I almost didn’t answer it, because my instinct knew that it was because something had happened and the planning meeting would be cancelled….and yes this was the case, one of the therapists was sick, and so the planning meeting had been cancelled. To say I was upset was an understatement…..not upset because it was another appointment that didn’t go to plan this week, but upset because this is my baby, and starts school in 5 months and there are some specific things that I would love for her to be able to do when she starts school.

Last planning meeting, the goals were really broad, and basically unrealistic….to be able to walk, talk and eat….

These BIG goals need to be broken down into much smaller achievable goals, an example the ‘to eat goal’, part of that for me is to be able to open/close a lunch box, because if you can’t open your lunch box, how can you eat it(and yes I know Veronika’s teacher assistant will open her lunch box for her, but I would LOVE for Veronika to be able to open it herself). ‘To eat’ goal also encompasses Veronika’s nutrition and her dyspraxia, making it difficult for her to eat, something else we need to work on….’To eat’ for me also is getting Veronika to drink out of something, ANYTHING really, other than her bottle…..I would dearly love for Veronika to be able to drink out of something other than her bottle, so that she can start school and not be dependent on her formula in her bottle for her nutrition.

So when the planning meeting was cancelled, and then couldn’t be rebooked to November, FRUSTRATION is one of the  1st words that comes to mind….because that will only leaves 3 months before Veronika starts school…..

Tomorrow starts a new week of appointments, starting with the ENT specialist in the morning, and that is the perfect way to start the week, when you burst your eardrum a few days before…




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