late January 2013…NDT training


26th Jan 2013…

yesterday when I picked Veronika up from childcare, I had a quick chat with Veronika’s educator Alesha…Alesha wanted to tell me that Veronika was a completley different girl at childcare yesterday, Veronika wanted to be more independent, she wanted to stand up at the table and outside on the play equipment, she was MUCH stronger and more stable on her feet, she was using both hands beautifully together, she was opening up her left hand nicely to reach for things….Alesha was amazed at the difference in Veronika from last friday to yesterday…obviously the NDT training that we have been doing for 2 weeks has made a HUGE difference…and well, that just made me,, Veronika’s Mumma incredible happy and proud of Veronika’s achievments ♥


24th Jan 2013…

Veronika (and Mummy) are loving the NDT training Veronika is going to 3 times a week, what an amazing opportunity, Veronika has been incredibly blessed to be offered the opportunity to go. So much has gone on over this weeks 3 sessions, Veronika has been worked hard while having so much fun….today there was more side sitting and weight baring through her left arm(her Hemiplegia side), and amazingly Veronika placed her left hand down on the ground open, not fisted as she was before NDT. Everyday I’m amazed at what Veronika is doing…. ♥

Photo: Veronika (and Mummy) are loving the NDT training Veronika is going to 3 times a week, what an amazing opportunity, Veronika has been incredibly blessed to be offered the opportunity to go. So much has gone on over this weeks 3 sessions, Veronika has been worked hard while having so much there was more side sitting and weight baring through her left arm(her Hemiplegia side), and amazingly Veronika placed her left hand down on the ground open, not fisted as she was before NDT. Everyday I'm amazed at what Veronika is doing.... <3


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