As you may know, early last month Veronika had her 1st seizure, or at least what we thought at the time was her 1st seizure….it turns out there is a fair chance that it probably wasnt her 1st one….following that 15 minute seizure on 3rd December….Veronika’s skills regressed, regressed a lot….her left foot was completely lost while trying to walk, and Veronika couldnt steer her walking frame….
and 2 weeks later Veronika still hadn’t recovered, and had another big seizure during the night…and her skills regressed even more….over a years worth of hard work and therapy gone….this was her walking following her 2nd seizure
To say I was shattered was a massive understatement…
we had worked so hard through 2012 to get Veronika ‘school ready’
and now this, she couldn’t even steer her walking frame any more,
she had lost her communication, gone from over 120 signs in Auslan to about 10 and even then they were confused and ‘made up versions’
shattering, devastating, upsetting….so much therapy undone
Veronika is stubborn….and she takes EVERYTHING in her stride, with the biggest smile imaginable
For the last 3 weeks Veronika has been along to Neuro-Developmental Therapy as a case study for a course that was being run…
perfect timing really, as I was hoping, fingers crossed, hoping, that just somehow an intensive 3 weeks of therapy might, just might help Veronika regain some of those lost skills, ready to start school on February 6th…
what I was not expecting at all, was amazing outcomes…Veronika had 2 therapists working with her, B and K, a physio and an occupational therapist, they worked on the skills that they had been learning through the course, as usual Veronika took everything in her stride, and laughed, smiled and played the whole way through each session, yes there was times Veronika was very demanding, and wanted to do what she wanted to do, but these 2 amazing therapists took it in their stride, and worked around that, while still working on their goals for each session…
Yesterday Thankyou didn’t seem a big enough word as we were leaving….the last session had ended, we said goodbye, and a quick Thankyou for all they had done for Veronika, and I left quickly, as I knew I was about to cry because they had achieved so much….and I had just seen one of the most AMAZING things Veronika had ever done, something that might just make my dream of the last 4 years 8 months a reality…
for Veronika to walk into kinder….
you simply must see how Veronika took K’s hand, and in K’s words…I was so proud of her when she took those steps. It took a lot of courage on her part to trust her body and me that she was safe. Veronika continues to find her feet, and this short, brief clip needs no explanation…
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