Veronika Will Walk…

Veronika Will Walk…

Just over 6 years ago  I was told Veronika would never walk, following her 1st MRI when she was a week old.

6 years ago I made a commitment to my baby girl, that one day she WOULD  walk, that she would walk into her 1st day of school….and in February 2013 she did just that. She walked into kinder with the assistance of her trusty walking frame.

This year, 2014, so far  has been an amazing year for Veronika.  5 years and 10 months after I was told Veronika would never walk, she began to walk independently, and her teacher captured that moment as she tottered around the classroom….and she has become more stable on her feet since. This was on Easter Sunday, a month after Veronika started to independently walk.

Veronika Will Walk….medically not possible, but with the power of love and determination the impossible became possible….

and I continue to believe Veronika Will Walk

I have had many people ask me when and what I am going to change the name of my blog to, because Veronika is now walking


in true Veronika style she continues to write her own book.

Veronika is walking…for the moment and I am so unbelievably happy that she is walking…

but I have to believe Veronika will continue to walk….

in true Veronika style the goal posts keep moving

EVERY step Veronika takes puts an unbelievable amount of stress on her joints, and she has begun to hyper extend her left knee(her side affected by her hemiplegia)when walking. I was told by her physio to not let her walk once she tires and starts hyper extending her knee. I thought that Veronika was only hyper extending her knee when she was tired, but when another physio looked at Veronika, we noticed she is hyper extending her knee on EVERY step, and the physio then said if we don’t do something NOW to preserve Veronika’s joints, she WILL NOT physically be able to walk within 2-3 years….

and I was shattered ALL over again…

because we have worked so hard to get Veronika to the point where she has found her feet, and then to find out with in a couple of months of her independently walking that she may not be able to walk long-term and may be fully dependent on a wheelchair with in a few short years.

so today Veronika CAN walk

and into the future Veronika Will Walk

and continue to walk, guided by her specialists, doctors and  therapists that look after her.


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