Author: KyleeD

  • 6th April 2015…

    Today I asked Veronika if she was going for a walk? She said ‘no’ I asked if she was going for a run? She said ‘yeh’ ‪#‎veronikawillrun‬ ‪#‎veronikawillwalk‬ ‪#‎nevergiveup‬ ‪#‎mymiracle‬‪#‎takethatdoctors‬!

  • Christmas 2015, this time of year is challenging

      I couldn’t even guess how many people have gone up to Veronika and myself in recent weeks, and asked Veronika what she would like for Christmas… ‘Have you seen Santa yet?’ ‘What will/did you ask him for?’… and each time I felt a little twinge….for a couple of reasons. Veronika doesn’t seem to have…

  • Veronika’s return to full time school v’s therapy

    Miss Veronika had a very busy week this week….this week was Veronika’s return to full time school as part of her transition back to school following her surgery way back in April. However Veronika also had 6 medical and therapy appointments booked during the week. Veronika did make it to 2 full days of school…

  • I have learnt…

    It was this day a year ago, the day before father’s day, that Veronika’s hip went from bad to really not good. We were at dancing and I noticed a significant change in her gait(the way she was walking) and her hip were asymmetrical.  I worried about it all day, until it got the better of…

  • I dont know how you do it…

    I dont know how you do it…

    ‘I don’t know how you do it’ or ‘how do you do it?’ I have had this said to me many times over the last 7+ years, but the months since Veronikas hip reconstruction on April 16th,  I have had heard this a lot. So much has happened in the last 4 and half months, so…

  • April 15th, 2015

    How do you explain to your 6 year old what’s going to happen tomorrow morning the 16th April? This is something that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about over the last few weeks. The answer came from school in the end….as Veronika and I look through this book her teacher and classmates made.…

  • last day of prep 2014, some days are harder than others

    Thursday 18th December was the last day of prep for Veronika and what an amazing year Veronika has had at school this year Veronika learnt to be an independent walker Veronika started to read some words and she could sign them Veronika continued to develop friendships with her gorgeous peers however Thursday was a somewhat…

  • My Heart is now healed…have faith and believe

    7th December 2014… The day Veronika was born we were told 1 in 4 babies with Down syndrome have are born with a congenital heart defect….so later that day Veronika had a heart ultra sound and we were told ‘Veronika has a small hole in her heart and it was nothing to worry about’. 24…

  • to the people who think its ok to wave their accessible parking permit at me…

    To the people who think its OK to wave their accessible parking permit at me, Veronika was issued with an accessible parking permit sometime between her 2nd and 3rd birthdays, I don’t know the exact date, as it was something that I didn’t particularly want, but Veronika’s physio suggested I should have one, so I…